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dc.contributor.advisorPincheira, Pablo
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Hurtado, Ignacio
dc.description.abstractIn the literature forecasts are mostly evaluated using the traditional Mean Squared Prediction Error (MSPE) loss function and with this approach the authors usually find evidence of predictability at the population level, while the evidence of predictability at the sample is usually scarce and weak. However, in recent research (See Pincheira and Hardy ;2021, “The Mean Squared Prediction Error Paradox”) the authors find that there are some not empty spaces where correlations between forecasts and the predictand grows when MSPE grows too. This means that in some cases MSPE can suggest that a given forecast is not a good predictor when this is not necessarily the case. In this paper we propose to evaluate predictions measuring the correlation between forecasts and actual values of the predictand to see if using correlations as an alternative approach, we can also find evidence of predictability at sample level. We want to evaluate if results with correlation-based tests of predictability are equivalent to the results coming from the Diebold-Mariano test comparing MSPE at sample level. We will evaluate this hypothesis in the context of the commodity-currencies literature.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Chile.
dc.subjectPrueba de Diebold-Marianoes_ES
dc.subjectMean Squared Prediction Error (MSPE)es_ES
dc.titleCorrelation based test of predictability and Mean Squared Prediction Error Comparisons: an empirical evaluationes_ES
uai.facultadEscuela de Negocioses_ES
uai.carreraprogramaMagister en Economíaes_ES
uai.titulacion.nombreMagister en Economíaes_ES
uai.titulacion.coordinadorTapia, Fresia
dc.subject.englishError cuadrático medio de predicción (MSPE)es_ES
dc.subject.englishDiebold-Mariano testes_ES
uai.titulacion.modalidadTesis monográficases_ES
uai.coleccionObras de Titulaciónes_ES

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